Online Reference Request

Hello Vikram Aditya,

Re: Reference request for Vivek Singh (Sales Assistant, NI Number: NJ589232A, DOB: 28/05/1997)

We are conducting background checks on the above named individual and they have given us permission to contact you for a reference.

The applicant has advised us that they were with your company/organisation between:

  • 15/08/2019 to 10/06/2021

We may not be able to complete the applicants background checks until this reference is returned, therefore an early reply would be appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I assure you that your reply will be treated in the strictest confidence.

If you would like to confirm we have consent to complete these checks, you can view Vivek's consent form .

Verify your suitability to provide a reference
Applicant Information
Name Vivek Singh
National Insurance Number NJ589232A
Job Role Sales Assistant
Upload a Proforma (Optional)

If your policy is to provide a reference on headed paper, please upload a PDF copy of this proforma.

Complete a reference

Please confirm the specific dates the applicant was continuously in employment with you


What was the applicants role/job title?

Please can you confirm what type of contract they held with you?

Did the applicants have any absences of 28 days or more?

Please provide the address of the location the applicant worked

Please print your first & surname

Referee position held

Company Name

Company email address (may be used to verify reference)

Are you related to the applicant?

Do you cohabit with the applicant?

Date Completed

I'd prefer not to provide a reference

Whilst we would appreciate you providing a reference, if you would prefer not to provide a reference, please click the button below.

Decline to provide a reference